This year the theme is communication and technology - coming up with craft activities has been difficult! Whilst I have been planning with my fellow leader and bestie, L, I started to think about the differences between myself and the children I would be working with when approaching this theme. When I was about 7, at the holiday club we did a similar sort of theme (I was in the group 'Computer Chips' XD), and in just over a decade, what we were focusing on then would be deemed ancient history now! Looking back on what I used to own, or used, makes me laugh, when I remember how big it was, or how slow things seemed.
Inspired by a recent Kid's React video by the FineBros (, I thought I would (attempt!) to look back a bit on my past, and see what my technology/communication firsts were, and look at how things have changed since I was small, and how children now would look at them!

1) First word: "Dada" - it really annoyed my mum!
2) First book: I don't actually know. Me and my Dad read a lot when I was small. I suppose, independently, it was one of the Biff, Chip and Kipper books!

3) First Computer: I remember when I was very small, we had an Acorn computer (I know, I'm old!). I managed to break it by checking to see if it was magnetic...oops!
4) First laptop: I didn't get my first laptop until I was 16. As part of our sixth-form program, the school paid half for a netbook laptop. Mine didn't last long. It broke pretty much after a year. I did not like it. It didn't have microsoft on it, and I really despise open office! Though, if we are being technical, my first laptop was a VTech.
5) First computer game: Lemmings on the Acorn. The game gave me nightmares. The floppy disk (yes, you read that correctly!) that had the game on had a glitch, whereby when it loaded, the screen would freeze on a Grandpa Lemming telling a story to the children Lemmings, and they all turned to look at you. And they stared! Blinking was creepy!

6) First console: I never had one. I had a GameBoy Advanced if that counts!
7) First mobile: It was a brick! It had an aerial, you couldn't text, and only 1 ringtone! Back in the day!

8) First internet provider: Dial-up AOL. I do kinda miss the dial up tone, and the voice telling me "you have email"
9) First email: To my Godfather - he still hasn't answered me!
10) First letter: To my cousin when we tried being pen pals for all of a months!
11) First cassette: Yes, you read that correctly! It must have been Deeper Shade of Blue by Steps!
12) First CD: I genuinely can't remember! My dad used to buy me the number 1 single on my birthday every year, and on my actual birthday it was The Bluebells "Young at Heart"
13) First video: Sleeping Beauty. Started my Disney obsession, and I think was a hint from my parents that never quite came to be!
14) First DVD: The Incredibles. It was a birthday present the first birthday after purchasing a DVD player. Have got better since!
How much has changed!
What do you think? Do you feel old compared to your technology firsts? Do you feel like a late comer to some of the newer tech? I know I do!
S x